Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services for
refugees and asylum seekers
living in Sulaymaniyah governorate

Sector: Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services
Locations: Sulaymaniyah governorate including Garmian and Raparin
Title of the project: Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services for refugees and asylum seekers living in Sulaymaniyah governorate
Objective: Services for persons with specific needs strengthened
Specific services for Person of Concern (PoC) with psychosocial needs provided.
The intended impact for people will be access to MHPSS services that are provided by WCHAN staff and other services such as physical health through referrals and liking them with other service providers. The PoCs will include people with disabilities (PWD) and older persons as well.
2. Building the capacity of 68 individuals on MHPSS-related topics. These will include health staff from the PHCs (34) CoV (10), and teachers and students among refugees (24).
This objective will be reached through delivering capacity building training sessions tailored per the need of each group of trainees. Among the main topics include of a wide range of MHPSS related topics. The health staff and the COV will be trained on specific brief psychological intervention called Problem Management Plus (PM+).
Details of the implementation of each activity are clarified below:
Training / capacity building
Community education / raising awareness.
Direct mantal health & case management services for individual cases including persons with special needs – specialized serviceses