Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Project title: Sensitization Training for Executive Force of Erbil Juvenile Detention / Reformatory Center
Activities achieved
As proposed in the project proposal, Wchan conducted sensitization training for members of EF of Detention / Reformatory Centers in Erbil for a total of 40 persons divided into two groups. Each group got two training courses for a total of 4 days. However, the exact number of the participants per each training were vary all the 40 participated in the first set of training but 37 participated in the second set of the training. The first training was about introduction to mental health – mental illness continuums, emphasizing on the impact of environmental factors, including traumatic events, particularly detention and imprisonment, on mental health. This was followed by the topics of using communication skills when dealing with juveniles, which were conducted during the second training courses.